Chapter 18
How to Taper Off Multiple Medications
What to Do If You Are Taking Multiple Drugs
our breakthroughs this past year, people are now able to taper off more than one
medication at a time. The reformulated JNK Formula and Neuro Day have made this
possible and this new breakthrough cuts the time it takes a person to be
medication free dramatically.
are still some things that need to be watched when reducing more than one
medication at a time. The medications that can be reduced at the same time are:
ADD, ADHD, stimulants, antidepressants and antipsychotics can be reduced at the
same time.
combination of these medications can be reduced simultaneously. Alternate their
reductions every 14-days.An example of this would be: Reduce the antidepressant
7 days later reduce the antipsychotic 7 days later reduce the antidepressant
again 7 days later reduce the antipsychotic again.
still gives 14-days before the dosage of a specific medication is reduced and if
withdrawal side effects begin, it makes it easier to tell which drug reduction
is causing the problem.
If you
are also taking a benzodiazepine, anti-anxiety drug or sleep medication, taper
these drugs first, before you reduce any other class of drug.
antidepressants, antipsychotics, ADD, ADHD, stimulants increase the clearance
time of the benzodiazepines by as much as 50% and if you reduce these other
drugs first you will go in withdrawal with the benzodiazepine, even though the
benzodiazepine dosage was not reduced.
can read Chapter 23, The Science, for more information on this.
Pre-Taper for More Than One Drug
through the pre-taper chapters for each drug you want to taper off and use the
required supplements and the instructions on how to take each supplement. You
simply combine the programs. Tapering off multiple medications is now as easy as
tapering off one! Welcome to the New Road Back Program and we thank the people
that paved the way for this advancement.