Remeron Withdrawal Solution, Side Effects, Treatment Options

Remeron Withdrawal Symptoms

The majority of people attempting Remeron withdrawal experience an antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. This is also known as Remeron discontinuation syndrome in the United States. In Europe it is call Remeron withdrawal side effects. The F.D.A. estimates 10% of those experiencing Remeron withdrawal will go back up on the Remeron because the withdrawal symptoms are too severe.

The most common and debilitating Remeron withdrawal side effect is called "brain zaps." Brain zaps are described by people experiencing it as a; electrical jolt that tends to run from base of the neck up into their head. Another side effect that tends to run with brain zaps is a shiver, a feeling as your head is floating, dizziness, and/or a whirling sensation in the head.

If you want to read the short version of how to handle Remeron withdrawal side effects Click here. Page opens new browser window.

These symptoms can come in waves or even be persistent.

The good news; in 2002, our founder, Jim Harper, discovered the correct type of Omega 3 taken in the right quantity will eliminate these devastating head symptoms quickly. Usually within a couple of hours.

The body in a normal state uses the oil from our diet, specifically from omega 3 found in fish, to build and replenish the end point of areas in the brain that sends and receives electrical signals. We are using easy to understand terminology here so it is easy to understand. Let's leave the technical jargon to physicians. These brain zaps have nothing to do with serotonin levels or other made up reasons. It is simple really; our body works in a very natural way with how it uses amino acids, proteins, fats in food and all other diet items to maintain a balance. When you introduce any toxin that disrupts these processes the body reacts.

The most common Remeron withdrawal symptoms reported include:
Flu like symptoms
Brain zaps
Increased suicidal ideation
Ringing in the ears
Mood swings

Please note: These are the most common Remeron withdrawal side effects but far from all potential Remeron withdrawal side effects. There is a warning the FDA has put a black box warning on Remeron. WARNING: SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIORS

See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning. Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in pediatric and young adult patients (5.1) Closely monitor for clinical worsening and emergence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors

You may have been prescribed Remeron within a very short doctor visit. There was no investigation into other life factors, lab testing, or any conversation about what side effects might present. The failings of this approach may cause quite a burden on the patient.

Depression, insomnia, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and other symptoms that Remeron is often prescribed for might stem from; diminished vitamin D levels, over active JNK gene, specific proteins that need to be silenced, dietary concerns and food allergies, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotoxic accumulation, and many other reasons. A full physical from an understanding physician is ideal, before prescribing Remeron.

Do Your Symptoms Require Remeron?

The Road Back Program uses nutritional supplements to help with the Remeron withdrawal. Most people feel a very fast relief from the Remeron withdrawal once they begin taking the supplements and we feel the odds are high; if would have taken nutritional supplements like these before starting the Remeron you would have been prescribed the Remeron in the first place.

In 2007, Jim Harper was giving a speech to a group of psychiatrists in Ireland and during his talk he mentioned his mother just passed away 30 days ago. He went on to describe how he made sure to take his JNK Formula each day to help the body cope with the stress being put on it do to his loss. He went on to say, "The JNK Formula will not remove the emotional loss and how I feel but it will keep the body strong during my time to grieve."

How Do You Survive Remeron Withdrawal?

Surviving Remeron withdrawal depends on what you do at this very moment. If you keep doing the same thing you have been doing and you are in a heavy Remeron withdrawal, nothing will change for the positive, That is a given. If you decide to do the Remeron withdrawal as an inpatient in a drug rehab center DO NOT DO THE 9 DAY PLAN BECAUSE THAT WHAT INSURANCE ALLOWS. Over the past 22 years I have worked with far to many people who were sold on a rehab facility, stayed the 9 days because insurance would only pay for that amount of time. The unscrupulous facility took them off the Remeron in 9 days as they promised and by the time the person got off the airplane after their return home they were in full withdrawal. You can't do a Remeron withdrawal in 9 days.

The Road Back Program can normally help you get back on your feet again but the rehab facility approach of this type is not worth the price you will pay mentally and physically.

You will find a few other outpatient Remeron withdrawal programs on the internet now and Jim Harper is not aware of one that will cause you harm like the rehab facility's mentioned. However, every other program on the internet was trained by Jim Harper years ago and they are doing what Jim Harper and The Road Back did during that time frame. Almost 2 decades ago Jim Harper trained several physicians and good intentioned people how to get a patient off Remeron. Jim went in to detail of the process and what nutritional supplements were used and why they were used. At that time of The Road Back the success rate was not as high as desired and over the following years Jim changed the formulas used with the supplements several times to use new information with DNA testing. Long story short; you will likely wind up using a Remeron withdrawal approach The Road Back used in 2003, that was scrapped for something more successful. If you are currently in Remeron withdrawal, send Jim Harper an email and he will personally guide you through the process so you can get back on your feet quickly and have a very successful Remeron withdrawal.

It does not matter if you have been on Remeron for 1 month or 20 years. Recovery can happen and the good part is; it does not take more time because you have been taking Remeron for years.

When Do Remeron Withdrawal Symptoms Start When Discontinuing / Quitting Remeron?

Remeron withdrawal usually begins between day 1 and day 3 of adjusting the Remeron. For some people this is not the case but eventually most everyone hits some dosage of the Remeron when reducing that jars them. Remeron withdrawal begins and they have no idea what they should do. Their physician does not know what to do. They wind up in a spiral downward and wind up on a new medication to try and stop the Remeron withdrawal. The best case is the additional drug does that but you are now on 2 drugs instead of only Remeron.

What is Remeron?

This SSRI drug is prescribed in treating adult depressive disorders (MDD), panic disorder, obsessive compulsory disorders (OCD), social anxiety (SAD), post- traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). If you have anxiety before taking Remeron, or anxiety begins while taking Remeron, odds are the anxiety will continue to get worse. Remeron alters dopamine much like the antidepressant Remeron and anxiety is a byproduct of these two drugs.

What Is Remeron Used For? Remeron is an antidepressant medication approved to treat adult MDD (major depressive disorder). The Black Box warning on the drug’s packaging mentions that the drug should not be prescribed to anyone under the age of 25, due to heightened risk of suicide. There is an exception to this for patients under the age of 25 who have been diagnosed with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Potential suicidality is associated with all Remeron and may be a concern leading to consider Remeron withdrawal, which is recommended to be done always under medical or caregiver monitoring. Adult-only approved uses for the drug provided in a clinical or treatment setting include: MDD: Major Depressive Disorder PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder PD: Panic disorder SAD: Social anxiety disorder OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder PMDD: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Remeron Side Effects

The full list of Remeron side effects is quite staggering. In 2004, Jim Harper used the Freedom of Information Act to get the full list of Remeron side effects. Jim received the information and it is 500 sheets of letter size paper, single space, a number 10 font size, 3 columns per page. In other words, thousands of known potential Remeron side effects were disclosed. Some of the other Remeron and Remeron withdrawal side effects: Serotonin syndrome: A life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical care in a hospital emergency clinic or ICU. Symptoms to watch for include sudden fever, losing consciousness, inability to move or speak, copious sweating, dilated pupils, chills, tremors, convulsions, diarrhea, agitation, restlessness, racing heart, etc. Suicidal thoughts (common) Suicide attempt (common) Hyperkinesis (muscle spasms, movement disorder) Worsened depression Aggression Paranoia (rare) Anxiety Mania (common) Convulsions Unconsciousness Coma Teeth grinding Akathisia (relentless internal restlessness and discomfort marked by repeated motions, pacing, rocking, etc., that can lead to suicidal thoughts as a means of relief) Tachycardia (racing heart, even when the body is at rest) Rash Itching Burning, crawling feeling in the skin Fever Tics, sudden jerky movements, myoclonus Emotional blunting Behavioral apathy, SSRI-induced-indifference Pain on urination or difficulty urinating Cloudy urine Headache Sexual impairments, i.e., anorgasmia, inability to ejaculate, lowered libido Mood swings Pain around the eyes or eye sockets Sleepiness Bladder pain Prickling skin sensation Numbness Sensory disturbances Insomnia Depersonalization (common) Nervousness Nightmares (paroniria) Hostility Nausea Diarrhea Weight gain Some documented Remeron birth defects and injuries include: PPHN or persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, a heart and lung condition which can result in respiratory failure, decreased oxygen to the brain, and multiple organ injuries. Congenital Heart Defects connected to Remeron and other SSRIs include ventricular septal defects and atrial septal defects, also referred to as “holes in the heart”, related to heart murmurs, suppressed appetite, breathing difficulties, tiredness, inadequate growth, etc. Increased Risk of Autism has been extensively reported but evidence has not yet been considered conclusive enough for regulatory bodies to ban prescribing to pregnant women. Increased Risk of Clubfoot connected to SSRIs during pregnancy as reported by NIMH, where exposure had the highest increase in clubfoot of all SSRIs. Increased risk of atrial/ventricular defects and craniosynostosis was reported in a Canadian study from 1998 to 2010 and published in the June 2015 issue of the American Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. Remeron Withdrawal,

What to Expect If using The Road Back Program

You should expect to feel a lot better within the first couple days of the program. If you do nothing, expect to continue to feel as you do now. Possibly worse as time goes on. The chance of feeling better if you do nothing is nil.

In 1999, The Road Back only had people taper the Remeron gradually and slowly. They still suffered. Around 50% could get off the Remeron but most went back on the Remeron because they continual Remeron withdrawal side effects would not diminish or go away.

We wish there was a better answer for you than the above but with working with over 19 million people over the last 22 years, the truth is the truth. No way to water it down to make it sound better.

Some may think it is just their depression returning but who would not feel depressed if they were still going through Remeron withdrawal months after stopping the Remeron.

We can't stress enough; what you do or do not do at this moment in time is critical for your future. Take your time if at all possible. If you have brain zaps go buy any omega 3 fish oil, even the wrong omega 3 fish oil will help somewhat.

While you read this you may want to pause and go take a walk. Look at the trees, the sky or anything off in the distance. Getting your attention off your mind and body may do wonders.

Keep this close to your heart; There is Hope and There is a Solution. We are speaking directly to YOU.

A 30 day supply of the nutritional supplements will cost you around $80. If you feel it is worth $80 to take a chance that all of this can go away in a couple of days, then take that chance. Over the past 22 years many have sent an email to Jim Harper and said they were not sure what to do about the Remeron withdrawal. Even after reading this information. The people that tried something else generally came back within a few months and were in worse shape than before. We do not want this to happen to you. But if is; Jim will still be here to assist.

Can Remeron Make Depression Worse?

Common sense answers this question. If depression is one side effect of taking Remeron then Remeron can cause depression. You do stand a greater chance of Remeron causing depression during withdrawal than while simply taking the Remeron as prescribed. The depression during Remeron withdrawal can be due to the other Remeron withdrawal side effects you are experiencing. Who would not start to get depressed if you have anxiety from morning to night, can't sleep and your head feels like it is on fire.

Remeron Aggression in Children

Children are more prone to aggression when taking Remeron than adults. It occurs in 10-20% of children taking any SSRI antidepressant. Two clinical trials performed by Pfizer, aggression was the most common reason noted for Remeron discontinuation.

Can You Get Addicted to Remeron?

Yes and no. This is where Remeron dependence is a matter of wording. Medically speaking in the United States Remeron is not addicting. In Europe it is viewed as addicting. The bottom line is; Once you take Remeron for 7 days the Remeron has made its way through your body. If your body no longer has the Remeron in its system, your body will react to the Remeron being gone. Much like a person that eats a lot a sweets every day. Your body will react when the sweet substance is not present. Call it addicting, as we would, call it a dependence as United States physicians will, it is what it is. If you do not provide the substance the body reacts and you also have mental feelings that are not positive. We can get into the insulin discussion etc, but we are only talking about a substance being present and then not and the body and mind reacting in a negative manner.

What is the difference between Remeron and a Benzodiazepine?

Remeron is an SSRI medication, an antidepressant, used to treat depression and anxiety. Benzodiazepines are prescribed mainly for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorders but also prescribed off-label to treat depression. These two types drug have different chemical components and were designed to work on different brain receptors and neurotransmitters, but some of their effects can be seen to overlap. Benzodiazepines are thought to mainly affect GABA transmission, which can slow the central nervous system to reduce anxiety, while Remeron is designed to block the reuptake of serotonin. Benzodiazepines are known to be more prone to dependence/addiction than Remeron. While the withdrawal symptoms are similar between both drugs, Remeron’s half-life is 22-36 hours, and Benzodiazepines half-life is much lower. Benzodiazepines can have more severe complications if abruptly stopped, including seizures. For safe Benzodiazepine or Remeron withdrawal, either of these drugs must be slowly tapered to allow the central nervous system and neurochemistry to safely normalize. Choosing to withdrawal from the Remeron first or the benzodiazepine first needs to be evaluated. Use Chapter 23, The Science to decide is part of that equation. Depending on the benzodiazepine you may be taking with the Remeron, if you reduce the Remeron first it may make you go into withdrawal on the benzodiazepine, even if you did not reduce the benzodiazepine.

How long does Remeron stay in your system after the last dosage? Our founder, Jim Harper, made great strides with determining this question. Using his DNA testing company in 2004-2005, Jim conducted hundreds of DNA tests to determine how fast or slow medications took to metabolize. In roughly 34 percent of the population the Remeron can take as long as 48 hours to clear the body. In others, as little as 8 hours can occur for the Remeron to clear the body. Depending on other habits you may have, Remeron could clear faster or even take more time than the 48 hours. If you smoke cigarettes and stop smoking while taking Remeron, the Remeron dosage you are taking will decrease by 15%. On the other side of this, if you start smoking while taking Remeron, the Remeron dosage will act as though it is 15% higher than you think it is. This is because cigarettes induce an enzyme used to metabolize Remeron and anything using that same pathway will shoot though much faster. Caffeine restricts that same enzyme, so if you start or stop drinking coffee while taking Remeron you will either go into withdrawal or feel an overdose, even though you have not changed the Remeron dosage. This is why The Road Back Program wants you to not change smoking habits or caffeine habits during the Remeron taper.

Can you overdose on Remeron? Yes, it is definitely possible for Remeron poisoning to occur. A substantial Remeron overdose requires emergency medical intervention to prevent major health problems. This list of Remeron overdose symptoms would be the same as those Remeron side effects listed above, but more severe. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the use of intravenous benzodiazepines is sometimes required during Remeron overdose to prevent seizures. Extra cooling measures must be used to reduce hyperthermia, always under the direction of EMT or other medical staff attending to the patient.

Treatment for Remeron Withdrawal Remeron has become one of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants in the US. Of equal importance is that depressive disorders have become one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions. These two facts together underscore two important steps toward improved health:
Providing safe treatment programs for those who have decided on Remeron withdrawal, and
Offering drug-free options to regain natural mental health without the need for prescription medications.

The Road Back Program was described by Dr. Hyla Cass M.D. in this way: Here's an essential handbook on how to safely and more easily wean yourself (under medical supervision) off the heavily over-prescribed psychotropic medications. I have used the program with my patients and it works!" Hyla Cass M.D. Author of Supplement Your Prescription

Send an email to Jim Harper by using the Contact link on the top of this page or read How to Get Off Psychoactive Drugs Safely by Jim Harper and follow the program for Remeron withdrawal.

Why Jim put his entire book on our website for free is so you can instantly read the material and start this process if you are ready now.

One last thing Jim asked us to provide at the bottom of each page of Remeron descriptions: There is Hope and There is a Solution


Remeron Withdrawal Allergy - Extreme sensitivity of body tissues triggered by substances in the air, drugs, or foods causing a variety of reactions such as sneezing, itching, asthma, hay fever, skin rashes, nausea and/or vomiting.

Remeron Withdrawal Asthenia - A physically weak condition.

Remeron Withdrawal Chest Pains - Severe discomfort in the chest caused by not enough oxygen going to the heart because of narrowing of the blood vessels or spasms.

Remeron Withdrawal Edema of Extremities - Abnormal swelling of the body’s tissue caused by the collection of fluid.

Remeron Withdrawal Malaise - The somewhat unclear feeling of discomfort you get when you start to feel sick.

Pain in Limb - Sudden, sharp, and uncontrolled leg or arm discomfort. Syncope - A short period of light-headedness or unconsciousness (black-out) also known as fainting, caused by lack of oxygen to the brain because of an interruption in blood flow to the brain.

Tightness of Chest - Mild or sharp discomfort, tightness or pressure in the chest area (anywhere between the throat and belly). The causes can be mild or seriously life-threatening because they include the heart, lungs and surrounding muscles.


Palpitation - Unusual and not normal (abnormal) heartbeat, that is sometimes irregular, but rapid, and forceful thumping or fluttering. It can be brought on by shock, excitement, exertion, or medical stimulants. A person is normally unaware of his/her heartbeat.

Hypertension - High blood pressure, a symptom of disease in the blood vessels leading away from the heart. Hypertension is known as the “silent killer.” The symptoms are usually not obvious; however, it can lead to damage to the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes, and can even lead to stroke and kidney failure.

Bradycardia - The heart rate is slowed from 72 beats per minute, which is normal, to below 60 beats per minute in an adult.

Tachycardia - The heart rate is sped up to above 100 beats per minute in an adult. Normal adult heart rate is 72 beats per minute.

ECG Abnormal - A test called an electrocardiogram (ECG) records the activity of the heart. It measures heartbeats as well as the position and size of the heart’s four chambers. It also measures if there is damage to the heart and the effects of drugs or mechanical devices like a pacemaker on the heart. When the test is abnormal this means one or more of the following are present: heart disease, defects, beating too fast or too slow, disease of the blood vessels leading from the heart or the heart valves, and/or a past or impending heart attack.

Varicose Veins - Unusually swollen veins near the surface of the skin that sometimes appear twisted and knotted, but always enlarged. They are called hemorrhoids when they appear around the rectum. The cause is attributed to hereditary weakness in the veins aggravated by obesity, pregnancy, pressure from standing, aging, etc. Severe cases may develop swelling in the legs, ankles and feet, eczema and/or ulcers in the affected areas.


Remeron Withdrawal Dyspepsia/Indigestion. The discomfort one may experience after eating. It can be heartburn, gas, nausea, a bellyache or bloating.

Remeron Withdrawal Gagging - Involuntary choking and/or involuntary vomiting.

Remeron Withdrawal Gastritis - A severe irritation of the mucus lining of the stomach, either short in duration or lasting for a long period of time.

Remeron Withdrawal Gastroenteritis - A condition in which the membranes of the stomach and intestines are irritated.

Remeron Withdrawal Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage - Excessive internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines.

Remeron Withdrawal Gastro Esophageal Reflux - A continuous state where stomach juices flow back into the throat causing acid indigestion and heartburn and possibly injury to the throat.

Remeron Withdrawal Hemorrhoids - Small rounded purplish swollen veins that bleed, itch or are painful, and appear around the anus.

Remeron Withdrawal Polyposis Gastric - Tumors that grow on stems in the lining of the stomach, which usually become cancerous.


Remeron Withdrawal Anemia - A condition in which the blood is no longer carrying enough oxygen, so the person looks pale and easily gets dizzy, weak and tired. More severely, a person can end up with an abnormal heart, as well as breathing and digestive difficulties.

Remeron Withdrawal Bruise - Damage to the skin resulting in a purple-green-yellow skin coloration that is caused by breaking the blood vessels in the area without breaking the surface of the skin.

Remeron Withdrawal Hematoma - Broken blood vessels that cause a swelling in an area on the body.

Remeron Withdrawal Lymphadenopathy Cervical - The lymph nodes in the neck, part of the body’s immune system, become swollen and enlarged by reacting to the presence of a drug. The swelling is the result of the white blood cells multiplying in order to fight the invasion of the drug.


Remeron Withdrawal Arthralgia - Sudden sharp nerve pain in one or more joints.

Remeron Withdrawal Arthropathy - Joint disease or abnormal joints.

Remeron Withdrawal Arthritis - Painfully inflamed and swollen joints. The reddened and swollen condition is brought on by a serious injury or shock to the body either from physical or emotional causes.

Remeron Withdrawal Bilirubin Increased - Bilirubin is a waste product of the breakdown of old blood cells. Bilirubin is sent to the liver to be made water-soluble so it can be eliminated from the body through emptying the bladder. A drug can interfere with or damage this normal liver function, creating liver disease.

Remeron Withdrawal Hepatic Enzymes Increased - An increase in the amount of paired liver proteins that regulate liver processes causing a condition in which the liver functions abnormally.

Remeron Withdrawal Hypercholesterolemia - Too much cholesterol in the blood cells.

Remeron Withdrawal Hyperglycemia - An unhealthy amount of sugar in the blood.

Remeron Withdrawal Myalgia - A general widespread pain and tenderness of the muscles.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - A pinched nerve in the wrist that causes pain, tingling, and numbing.

Remeron Withdrawal Coordination Abnormal - A lack of normal, harmonious interaction of the parts of the body when it is in motion.

Remeron Withdrawal Disequilibrium - Lack of mental and emotional balance.

Remeron Withdrawal Hyperreflexia - A not normal (abnormal) and involuntary increased response in the tissues connecting the bones to the muscles.

Remeron Withdrawal Muscle Contractions Involuntary – A spontaneous and uncontrollable tightening reaction of the muscles caused by electrical impulses from the nervous system.

Remeron Withdrawal Paresthesia - Burning, prickly, itchy, or tingling skin with no obvious or understood physical cause.

Remeron Withdrawal Restless Legs - A need to move the legs without any apparent reason. Sometimes there is pain, twitching, jerking, cramping, burning, or a creepy-crawly sensation associated with the movements. It worsens when a person is inactive, and can interrupt sleep so one feels the need to move to gain some relief.

Remeron Withdrawal Shaking - Uncontrolled quivering and trembling as if one is cold and chilled.

Remeron Withdrawal Tics - A contraction of a muscle causing a repeated movement not under the control of the person, usually on the face or limbs.

Remeron Withdrawal Tremor - A nervous and involuntary vibrating or quivering of the body.

Remeron Withdrawal Twitching - Sharp, jerky and spastic motion, sometimes with a sharp sudden pain.

Remeron Withdrawal Vertigo - A sensation of dizziness with disorientation and confusion.


Remeron Withdrawal Agitation – A suddenly violent and forceful emotionally disturbed state of mind.

Remeron Withdrawal Amnesia - Long term or short term, partial or full memory loss created by emotional or physical shock, severe illness, or a blow to the head where the person was caused pain and became unconscious.

Remeron Withdrawal Anxiety Attack - Sudden and intense feelings of fear, terror, and dread, physically creating shortness of breath, sweating, trembling and heart palpitations.

Remeron Withdrawal Apathy - Complete lack of concern or interest for things that ordinarily would be regarded as important or would normally cause concern.

Remeron Withdrawal Auditory Hallucination - Hearing things without the voices or noises being present.

Remeron Withdrawal Bruxism - Grinding and clenching of teeth while sleeping.

Remeron Withdrawal Carbohydrate Craving - A drive or craving to eat foods rich in sugar and starches (sweets, snacks and junk foods) that intensifies as the diet becomes more and more unbalanced due to the unbalancing of the proper nutritional requirements of the body.

Remeron Withdrawal Concentration Impaired - Unable to easily focus your attention for long periods of time.

Remeron Withdrawal Crying (Abnormal) - Unusual and not normal (abnormal) fits of weeping for short or long periods of time for no apparent reason.

Remeron Withdrawal Depersonalization - A condition in which one has lost a normal sense of personal identity.

Remeron Withdrawal Depression - A hopeless feeling of failure, loss and sadness that can deteriorate into thoughts of death. A very common reaction to or side effect of, psychiatric drugs.

Remeron Withdrawal Disorientation - A loss of sense of direction, place, time or surroundings, as well as mental confusion regarding one’s personal identity.

Remeron Withdrawal Dreaming (Abnormal) - Dreaming that leaves a very clear, detailed picture and impression when awake that can last for a long period of time and sometimes be unpleasant.

Remeron Withdrawal Emotional Lability - Suddenly breaking out in laughter or crying or doing both without being able to control the outburst of emotion. These episodes are unstable as they are caused by experiences or events that normally would not have this effect on an individual.

Remeron Withdrawal Excitability - Uncontrollably responding to stimuli (one’s environment).

Remeron Withdrawal Feeling Unreal - The awareness that one has an undesirable emotion like fear, but can’t seem to shake off the irrational feeling. For example, feeling like one is going crazy, but rationally knowing that it is not true. The quality of this side effect resembles being in a bad dream and not being able to wake up.

Remeron Withdrawal Irritability – An abnormal reaction of being annoyed or disturbed in response to a stimulus (the environment: that which is happening around one).

Remeron Withdrawal Lethargy - Mental and physical sluggishness and apathy (a feeling of hopelessness that “nothing can be done”) which can deteriorate into an unconscious state resembling deep sleep. A numbed state of mind.

Remeron Withdrawal Libido Decreased - An abnormal loss of sexual energy or desire.

Remeron Withdrawal Panic Reaction - A sudden, overpowering, chaotic and confused mental state of terror resulting in being doubt-ridden, often accompanied with hyperventilation and extreme anxiety.

Remeron Withdrawal Restlessness Aggravated - A constantly worsening troubled state of mind characterized by the person being increasingly nervous, unable to relax, and easily angered.

Remeron Withdrawal Somnolence - Feeling sleepy all the time or having a condition of semi- consciousness.

Remeron Withdrawal Suicide Attempt - An unsuccessful deliberate attack on one’s own life with the intention of ending it.

Remeron Withdrawal Suicidal Tendency - Most likely will attempt to kill oneself.
Remeron Withdrawal Tremulousness Nervous - Very jumpy, shaky, and uneasy, while feeling fearful and timid. The condition is characterized by thoughts dreading the future, involuntary quivering, trembling, and feeling distressed and suddenly upset.


Remeron Withdrawal Breast Neoplasm - A tumor or cancer, of either of the two milk-secreting organs on the chest of a woman.

Remeron Withdrawal Menorrhagia - Abnormally heavy menstrual period or a menstrual flow that has continued for an unusually long period of time.

Remeron Withdrawal Menstrual Cramps - Painful, involuntary uterus contractions that women experience around the time of their menstrual period, sometimes causing pain in the lower back and thighs.

Remeron Withdrawal Menstrual Disorder - A disturbance or derangement in the normal function of a woman’s menstrual period.

Remeron Withdrawal Pelvic Inflammation - The reaction of the body to infectious, allergic, or chemical irritation, which, in turn, causes tissue irritation, injury, or bacterial infection characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes loss of function. The reaction usually begins in the uterus and spreads to the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and other areas in the hipbone region of the body.

Remeron Withdrawal Premenstrual Syndrome - Various physical and mental symptoms commonly experienced by women of childbearing age usually 2 to 7 days before the start of their monthly period. There are over 150 symptoms including eating binges, behavioral changes, moodiness, irritability, fatigue, fluid retention, breast tenderness, headaches, bloating, anxiety, and depression. The symptoms cease shortly after the period begins and disappear with menopause. Spotting Between

Remeron Withdrawal Menses - Abnormal bleeding between periods. Unusual spotting between menstrual cycles.


Remeron Withdrawal Asthma - A disease of the breathing system initiated by an allergic reaction or a chemical, with repeated attacks of coughing, sticky mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, and a tight feeling in the chest. The disease can reach a state where it stops a person from exhaling, leading to unconsciousness and death.

Remeron Withdrawal Bronchitis - Inflammation of the two main breathing tubes leading from the windpipe to the lungs. The disease is marked by coughing, a low-grade fever, chest pain, and hoarseness, caused by an allergic reaction.

Remeron Withdrawal Laryngitis - Inflammation of the voice box characterized by hoarseness, sore throat, and coughing. It can be caused by straining the voice or exposure to infectious, allergic or chemical irritation.

Remeron Withdrawal Pneumonia Tracheitis - Bacterial infection of the air passageways and lungs that causes redness, swelling and pain in the windpipe. Other symptoms are high fever, chills, pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, and coughing with mucus discharge.

Remeron Withdrawal Rhinitis - Chemical irritation causing pain, redness and swelling in the mucus membranes of the nose.

Remeron Withdrawal Sinusitis - The body reacting to chemical irritation causing redness, swelling and pain in the area of the hollows in the facial bones especially around the nose.


Remeron Withdrawal Neck/Shoulder Pain - Hurtful sensations of the nerve endings caused by damage to the tissues in the neck and shoulder, signaling danger of disease.


Remeron Withdrawal Acne - Eruptions of the oil glands of the skin, especially on the face, marked by pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, bumps, and more severely, by cysts and scarring.

Alopecia - The loss of hair, baldness.

Angioedema - Intense itching and swelling welts on the skin called hives caused by an allergic reaction to internal or external agents. The reaction is common to a food or a drug. Chronic cases can last for a long period of time.

Dermatitis - Generally irritated skin that can be caused by any of a number of irritating conditions, such as parasites, fungus, bacteria, or foreign substances causing an allergic reaction. It is a general inflammation of the skin.

Epidermal Necrolysis - An abnormal condition in which a large portion of the skin becomes intensely red and peels off like a second-degree burn. Often the symptoms include blistering.

Eczema - A severe or continuing skin disease marked by redness, crusting and scaling, with watery blisters and itching. It is often difficult to treat and will sometimes go away only to reappear again.

Folliculitis - Inflammation of a follicle (small body sac), especially a hair follicle. A hair follicle contains the root of a hair.

Furunculosis - Skin boils that show up repeatedly.

Lipoma - A tumor of mostly fat cells that is not health endangering.

Pruritus - Extreme itching of often-undamaged skin.

Rash - A skin eruption or discoloration that may or may not be itching, tingling, burning, or painful. It may be caused by an allergy, a skin irritation or a skin disease.

Skin Nodule - A bulge, knob, swelling or outgrowth in the skin that is a mass of tissue or cells.


Conjunctivitis - Infection of the membrane that covers the eyeball and lines the eyelid, caused by a virus, allergic reaction, or an irritating chemical. It is characterized by redness, a discharge of fluid and itching.

Dry Eyes - Not enough moisture in the eyes.

Earache - Pain in the ear.

Eye Infection - The invasion of the eye tissue by a bacteria, virus, fungus, etc, causing damage to the tissue, with toxicity. Infection spreading in the body progresses into disease.

Eye Irritation - An inflammation of the eye.

Metallic Taste - A range of taste impairment from distorted taste to a complete loss of taste.

Pupils Dilated - Abnormal expansion of the black circular opening in the center of the eye.

Taste Alteration - Abnormal flavor detection in food.

Tinnitus - A buzzing, ringing, or whistling sound in one or both ears occurring from the use of certain drugs.

Vision Abnormal - Normal images are seen differently by the viewer than by others.

Vision Blurred - Eyesight is dim or indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance.

Visual Disturbance - Eyesight is interfered with or interrupted. Some disturbances are light sensitivity and the inability to easily distinguish colors.


Blood in Urine - Blood is present when one empties the liquid waste product of the kidneys through the bladder by urinating in the toilet, turning the water pink to bright red. Or you can see spots of blood in the water after urinating.

Dysuria - Difficult or painful urination. Kidney Stone - Small hard masses of salt deposits that the kidney forms.

Urinary Tract Infection - An invasion of bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., of the system in the body. This starts with the kidneys, which eliminate urine from the body. If the invasion goes unchecked, it can injure tissue and progress into disease.

Urinary Urgency - A sudden compelling urge to urinate, accompanied by
discomfort in the bladder.

Anorgasmia - Failure to experience an orgasm. Ejaculation Disorder - Dysfunction of the discharge of semen during orgasm.

Menstrual Disorder - Dysfunction of the discharge during the monthly menstrual cycle.


Acute Renal Failure - The kidneys stop excreting waste products properly, leading to rapid poisoning (toxicity) in the body.

Anaphylaxis - A violent, sudden, and severe drop in blood pressure caused by a re- exposure to a foreign protein or a second dosage of a drug that may be fatal unless emergency treatment is given right away.

Grand Mal Seizures (or Convulsions) - A recurring sudden, violent and involuntary attack of muscle spasms with a loss of consciousness.

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - A life threatening, rare reaction to an anti- psychotic drug marked by fever, muscular rigidity, changed mental status, and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Pancreatitis - Chemical irritation with redness, swelling, and pain in the pancreas where digestive enzymes and hormones are secreted.

QT Prolongation - A very fast heart rhythm disturbance that is too fast for the heart to beat effectively so the blood to the brain falls, causing a sudden loss of consciousness and may cause sudden cardiac death.

Rhabdomyolysis - The breakdown and release of muscle fibers into the circulatory system. Some of the fibers are poisonous to the kidney and frequently result in kidney damage.

Serotonin Syndrome - A disorder brought on by excessive levels of serotonin. It is caused by drugs and can be fatal. Symptoms include euphoria, drowsiness, sustained and rapid eye movement, agitation, reflexes overreacting, rapid muscle contractions, abnormal movements of the foot, clumsiness, feeling drunk and dizzy without any intake of alcohol, jaw muscles contracting and relaxing excessively, muscle twitching, high body temperature, rigid body, rotating mental status - including confusion and excessive happiness - diarrhea and loss of consciousness.

Thrombocytopenia - An abnormal decrease in the number of blood platelets in the circulatory system. A decrease in platelets would cause a decrease in the ability of the blood to clot when necessary.

Torsades de Pointes – An unusually rapid heart rhythm starting in the lower heart chambers. If the short bursts of rapid heart rhythm continue for a prolonged period, it can degenerate into a more rapid rhythm and can be fatal.